Friday, May 28, 2010

Subway Performers

New York City’s MTA has raised prices and made service cuts since my Freshman year in the city, but one thing it hasn’t cut is the arts. The subway system of Manhattan is a large and sometimes overwhelming beast, but at least it’s never dull.

As part of an initiative to keep the subway stations looking clean, interesting, and exciting, the MTA began the Music Under New York program. We’re not talking about the random homeless guys singing on the subway trains, or the great Mariachi band that frequents the N train. No, the MUNY program sponsors artists formally in the stations themselves, complete with signs and microphones. Artists must audition and attend orientation prior to performing for the NYC public.

One of my favorite performers is Alice Tan Ridley, who I normally see at the Herald Square station. She always attracts a crowd – this is actually her profession, and she is good at what she does. Ridley is well known not just for her soulful singing, but also for being the mother of Gabourey Sidibe, star of the recent movie Precious. She is adamant about not living off her daughter’s paycheck, however – so if you see her rocking out in the subway, feel free to throw a dollar or two her way.

So next time you’re looking for a show and don’t have money for a student priced ticket, just spend some extra time on your next $2.25 subway ride and find a show. There are almost always performances going on at the major stations (42nd Street, Herald Square, etc.) and a more detailed schedule can be found at the MUNY website – and let me know your favorite performer, I’m always looking for new shows!

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